Database is dropped when currently in use in razorsql
Database is dropped when currently in use in razorsql

database is dropped when currently in use in razorsql

To determine the meaning of an SQLCODE numeric code, use the following ObjectScript statement: It is generated when a more specific SQLCODE error code is not available. The SQLCODE -400 error “Fatal error occurred” is a general error. In Embedded SQL, when SQLCODE=100 the output host variables specified in the INTO clause are nulled. For an UPDATE or DELETE these include: the specified table contains no data or the table contains no row of data that satisfies the WHERE clause criteria. For a SELECT these include: the specified table contains no data the table contains no data that satisfies the query criteria or row retrieval has reached the final row of the table. SQLCODE=100 indicates that the SQL operation was successful, but found no data to act upon.

database is dropped when currently in use in razorsql

However, if the SELECT performs an aggregate operation, (for example: SELECT SUM(myfield)) the aggregate operation is successful and an SQLCODE=0 is issued even when there is no data in myfield in this case SUM returns NULL and %ROWCOUNT=1. For a SELECT statement, this usually means the successful retrieval of data from a table. SQLCODE=0 indicates successful completion of an SQL operation.

Database is dropped when currently in use in razorsql